Clinical testing when examined in tandem with your medical history and symptom picture is a very effective tool. Functional testing may differ from conventional testing, as it looks for irregularities in physiological function, deficiencies or imbalances, pathogen exposure, genetics, psychological or physical stress and toxicity, often in areas not typically tested at all. I work with the top laboratories all over the world, offering the best cutting edge science in order to bring evidence based analysis to my clients, so I can make informed recommendations. 


Some of the tests I frequently work with:


Blood Chemistry

I am happy to look at any recent GP blood test results and provide you with an overview of results to help you make sense of them. I can also arrange blood tests for you and work with a number of UK laboratories offering very comprehensive panels through to single markers depending upon your requirements.



Gut test

Large Intestine - I work with comprehensive stool analysis from many leading labs, such as, GI-MAP, to get a true picture of what is happening inside your large intestine, looking at bacterial balance (the microbiome), inflammatory markers, digestive capability and pathogenic infection be it fungal, viral, worms, parasites or bacteria. With the right gut testing I help clients get to the bottom of their digestive health problems, to provide real answers and action.

Small Intestine - Analysis of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine frequently contributes to IBS symptoms and many other systemic conditions. Breath tests are utilised here to look for SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) which many clients find underlying bloating and discomfort.



Organic Acids

Metabolites in the urine will give an accurate picture of yeast and microbial growth in the gut, neurological health and neurotransmitter activity as well as chronic health indicators and some micronutrient deficiencies, providing answers and a path to follow.



Hormone Balance

I like to work with Precision Analytical who offer dried urine testing to give a comprehensive picture of hormone metabolism and detoxification. This helps us to identify the root cause of hormonal imbalance in men and women and to learn more about your menstrual cycle and sex hormone production so important, for example, in helping clients improve their fertility.



Adrenal Stress Index

A saliva test can measure the levels of important stress hormones, such as, cortisol and DHEA so we can see how your adrenal glands are functioning in the management of your stress response. Often stress is untested and overlooked conventionally, but with a clear indication of how your body is coping with stress, it motivates clients to make those changes they need to feel better.



Heavy Metal Toxicity

There are various tests available for testing for heavy metals. I work with various labs and tests including the Mercury Tri-Test from Quiksilver Scientific, which measures methylmercury and inorganic mercury. I also use a Heavy Metals blood panel or the Hair Mineral Analysis and Trace Elements tests. I work with the client closely in order to recommend the most appropriate test to get the information we need. Once toxins are identified, then I work with clients to get a chelation protocol in place, so we can then make a real difference to those uncomfortable toxicity symptoms.




The impact of mould is becoming recognised as a major contributory and exacerbatory factor in many health conditions and issues from fibroids, to fertility or even lyme disease, causing debilitating neurological symptoms. These can be identified in the mycotoxins urine test. Often clients are so relieved to finally find the source of their suffering, so they can move forward with positive action.




We all have our individual genetic blueprint, but actually this is a fluid everchanging DNA plan and our lifestyle and environment have an impact on whether certain genes are activated or not. Science has shown that negative lifestyle can impact on disease development, but so can a healthy lifestyle which can offset susceptibility to illness, switching off those genes from being expressed. It’s fascinating stuff and often provides an explanation to tendencies or health complaints which just didn’t make sense previously.




I see so many clients with subclinical thyroid, who are told their blood work or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is all normal. Yet they are suffering with a host of symptoms and feeling rotten. Well it is possible to investigate further and get answers. As Nutritionists, we often work within different parameters when looking at the thyroid and would rather avoid an acute thyroid disorder by taking preventative measures at the sign of dysfunction and imbalance early on. This is very easy to do and I work with a range of labs offering a full thyroid panel looking at antibodies thyro peroxidase (TPO) and thyroglobulin (TG), triiododthyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), free T3, free T4 and if needed, reverse T3, to provide you with the information you need to take back control of your health.



Food sensitivities

There are several food sensitivity tests available at various costs depending upon client requirements, such as the Cyrex Array 3 for Wheat / Gluten reactivity and Autoimmunity measuring immune response, the Array 4 for Gluten Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Food Sensitivity to protein in foods such as gluten and dairy products, which can be very relevant to people with Coeliac disease or suffering with many unexplained food sensitivity symptoms. The choice is wide. I investigate with clients to find the right test to provide a list of those reactive foods, in order that we can remove the offending irritants from the diet and work on healing and repairing the gut.




Cyrex Array 5 offers the comprehensive Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen measuring IGG and IGA autoantibodies and helps you identify which antibodies are present and the extent to your reaction, all important, so we can take immediate repairing action to support the body into remission.