By examination of medical history, pathogen and toxin exposure, environment and lifestyle, diet and nutrition and individual genetic and biochemical factors, this data gives a unique complex picture and informs how to restore wellness.

Using science and evidence based research a Functional Medicine Practitioner works together with the client to target chronic disease, imbalance and dysfunction in the body. Support differs for each client and this is why functional medicine and nutritional therapy is personalised and individual to you.

Functional Medicine is often known as preventative medicine. In fact, I frequently work with clients who want to optimise their future health and pick up on any problems now, which could cause issues a few years down the line. Ill health and chronic illness take time to develop, and by working with a functional medicine nutritional therapist practitioner now, you are minimising the chance of acute illness later in life.


I can help you with…


Digestive health

I have a lot of experience with digestive disorder and bacterial and fungal infections of the gut. I work with bloating, IBS, reflux, diarrhoea, constipation, food intolerances.


Optimising Energy

Getting to the underlying cause of energy dysregulation is key and improvements can be made to mental and physical performance.


Healthy Ageing

I can educate you to make the necessary dietary changes to avoid any health issues that might arise, and address them now to optimise future health.


Womens health

Hormonal imbalance is common and issues such as PMS, PCOS and fibroids are common. I can help restore hormone balance and assist with pre-conception planning, fertility outcomes, perimenopause and menopausal symptoms.


Skin complaints

I can help with acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, dermatitis and vitiligo to improve skin health from the inside, as well as recommend the right products to put on the outside too.


Weight Management

I work closely with clients on weight management, establishing healthy eating and lifestyle habits.  A programme of coaching and looking at the underlying health issues impacting your weight, will help you to maintain a healthy diet and weight.


Managing Stress

Stress management techniques can be taught to manage adrenal stress and cortisol, improve sleep and relaxation, reducing symptoms of fatigue and anxiety.


Balance blood sugar

I can help avoid the serious consequences of insulin resistance or dysfunctional blood sugar regulation on metabolic health, such as, cardiovascular disease or diabetes.


Reduce joint pain

Joint and muscular aches and pains are inflammatory in nature and can be supported with key dietary changes and supplemental support to dramatically improve or eradicate symptoms.



We live in a toxic modern world but there are many strategies we can take to reduce exposure and improve liver function. I can help with detox techniques and programmes and teach you to go safely in and out of a detox.


Healthy eating

With so much confusing and conflicting information available online these days, it’s difficult to know what to eat. I can debunk the myths and help you find the best nutritional diet to suit your body.


Improve Immunity

Whether it’s poor immunity, such as recurring colds or autoimmune conditions, we can improve and regulate symptoms. 


Cooking techniques

Not sure where to start, let me teach you some simple and effective cooking techniques and dishes to make eating healthy simple, cheaper and less time consuming.


Fridge or kitchen detox

I can help you detox your home and kitchen to get you on the right track to healthy eating and avoiding toxic chemicals in the home and workplace.